Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How to get rid of acne over night

« ...This is an old home remedy that many people swear by to cure their acne. Use a mint based toothpaste because it is the mint that actually works. Mint is another essential oil that has strong antibacterial properties and acts as an anti inflammatory agent. You can skip the toothpaste and just use mint oil if you prefer....
...• A balanced and healthy diet complete in nutrients and taken at the correct time can also prevent acne to some extent. Fresh fruits and vegetables, sprouts etc. are advised to people who have severe acne problems....»
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«...Acne vulgaris begins when oil and dead skin clogs the pores of the face. It can also affect the neck, back, chest and shoulders. If the clogged pores get infected, the result is swelling, pus, inflammation, and tenderness....»
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tags: differemce hormonal and food allergy acne, alpha hydroxy skin care and acne, home remedies for getting rid of acne fast

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