Monday, August 4, 2008

Before and after pictures laser acne scar removal and black beauty health eyebrow plucking acne

Cucumber is a good idea. Smash a raw cucumber, make a pasta and then apply this pasta on your face for twenty minutes, then wash off and dry your face.
For mild cases, it may heal on its own over time and no further action may be required. Sometimes, over the counter medicine can also be very effective. However, care should always be taken when using these medications. First, you should always read the instruction carefully before using them. Second, you should always observe if you are suffering from any side effects. Possible side effect may be the dryness of the skin, resulting in even worse condition of the skin.
Burdock - a deep cleansing herb that helps the liver and skin more effectively cleanse waste and toxins. A liver that is not functioning at its best is slow in breaking down and clearing out hormonal by-products that can worsen acne. Burdock has strong liver purifying and hormone regulating actions with a special affinity for the skin.
tags: best acne face wash for adults, acne care for sensitive skin, acne products healthcare professionals

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